The Rising Cyber Threat in Brazil: A Deep Dive into Recent Trends and Challenges


In recent years, the cyber threat landscape has evolved dramatically, posing significant risks to individuals and organizations worldwide. Brazil, in particular, has faced a surge in cyberattacks, highlighting the urgent need for robust cybersecurity measures. This blog delves into the recent trends, challenges, and the imperative for a collective defense strategy.


social media cover image of the blog, July 2024, engineered by iMBdigital.Gallery

Early Encounters with Cyber Threats

The issue of cyber threats is not new to Brazil. Professionals from iMB.Solutions recall their first encounter with a major cyberattack back in 2010. During a project mission, they witnessed a client's company come under a severe cyber onslaught. Since then, the frequency and intensity of such attacks have only grown, exacerbated by advancements in generative AI.

“Professionalization” of Cyber Attacks

Recent observations indicate a troubling trend: the "professionalization" of cyberattacks. In a feasibility study project on implementing non-FIAT alternatives to dollarization in Argentina, significant security gaps were uncovered. These gaps underscore the sophisticated nature of modern cyber threats, which are no longer the work of lone hackers but well-organized criminal enterprises. However, the trend towards the professionalization of cyber criminals is particularly noticeable in Brazil.

A Case Study: Brazil 2023

In 2023, iMB.Solutions deployed an on-demand manager on a project for a multinational client in Brazil. Midway through the project, the client faced a massive cyberattack. The team swiftly devised an emergency response plan, demonstrating the critical need for preparedness in the face of such threats.

Building a Collaborative Defense

To further understand the cybersecurity landscape, iMB.Solutions, together with the client, engaged with various companies across Brazil, particularly in São Paulo and Paraná. These discussions were instrumental in developing best practice solutions and fostering a community dedicated to enhancing cybersecurity.

Cybercrime has had a significant financial impact on Brazil. In 2022, the average cost of a data breach for Brazilian companies was approximately US$ 4.35 million. For breaches involving 50,000 records or more, the cost could reach up to US$ 1.4 million. Additionally, the overall cost of cybercrime incidents in Brazil is part of a global trend, with cybersecurity incidents estimated to cost US$ 10.5 trillion annually by 2025.

It's clear that cybercrime poses a substantial threat to both businesses and individuals in Brazil.

Challenges in Legal Recourse

One of the most striking revelations was the major localization of criminal IP addresses in the countryside of São Paulo, Paraná, and Santa Catarina. However, it must be mentioned here that there are no central data records on the hosting of criminal IPs in Brazil. The number of cybercrimes has increased rapidly since 2018. However, the legal reaction and case law in the courts, mainly at first instance, is extremely erratic.

Despite initiating criminal and civil proceedings, affected companies often faced disappointing outcomes in Brazilian courts. Financial and property damages were largely overlooked, with victims receiving only symbolic compensation for moral damages. This suggests a troubling perception among some courts and attornies that cybercrime is a "trivial offense" perpetrated by "tech-savvy and well-educated people".

The lenient sentences handed down to cybercriminals reflect this ignorance and pose a significant challenge to legal certainty for strategic investors in Brazil.

Moving Forward

Shortly before the outbreak of the pandemic in 2020, we observed a clear increase in cybercrime activities in the course of our project missions with our clients. The nature of such attacks is very diverse and in most cases unrelated to the project mission. However, project missions such as reorganizations or restructurings have become much more sensitive. The proportion of attempts to hack data has risen dramatically. It ranges from breaking into mail accounts to access information to attempts to install malware on computers and external hard disks.

We as iMB.Solutions work here in almost all cases on the basis of AWS Web Services with the appropriate cryptography tools, or in certain cases with DigitalOcean, which works on a kind of blockchain-based secure and decentralized data storage. At the end of 2023, we also started using Google Cloud Hybrid Blockchain Applications.


Current practice shows us that these platforms offer very robust security features and make these solutions highly recommendable for data security.

The growing cyber threat in Brazil highlights the urgent need for comprehensive cybersecurity strategies and a more rigorous legal framework to protect businesses and individuals. If your organization has experienced a cyberattack, we encourage you to reach out to us through the following link to share your experiences and collaborate on solutions. Together, we can build a more secure digital environment and ensure that cybercriminals face appropriate consequences for their actions.


The Growing Threat of Cyberattacks on Small and Medium-Sized Businesses

In today's digital landscape, cyberattacks have become a significant concern not just for large corporations but increasingly for small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs). Historically, SMBs were considered less likely targets for cybercriminals, who often focused their efforts on larger enterprises with deeper pockets. However, this trend has shifted dramatically. Here's a closer look at why SMBs are becoming prime targets and how they can protect themselves.

Why SMBs Are Attractive Targets

  1. Perceived Vulnerability: Many cybercriminals view SMBs as low-hanging fruit. These businesses often lack the robust cybersecurity measures that larger organizations have in place, making them easier to infiltrate.

  2. Data Value: SMBs hold valuable data, including personal customer information, financial records, and proprietary business information. This data can be lucrative on the black market or useful for further attacks.

  3. Supply Chain Entry Points: SMBs are frequently part of larger supply chains. Compromising a smaller business can provide a gateway to attack larger, more secure organizations.

  4. Ransomware Targets: SMBs are prime targets for ransomware attacks because they are more likely to pay a ransom quickly to restore operations due to the critical impact downtime can have on their business.

Common Types of Cyberattacks

  1. Phishing: Cybercriminals often use phishing emails to trick employees into revealing sensitive information or downloading malicious software. SMBs may not have comprehensive training programs to help staff recognize and avoid these scams.

  2. Ransomware: Attackers encrypt a business's data and demand payment to unlock it. SMBs, with fewer resources for data backup and recovery, are particularly vulnerable to these attacks.

  3. Malware: Malicious software can be used to steal data, spy on business operations, or disrupt systems. SMBs might lack the sophisticated detection tools needed to identify and prevent malware infections.

  4. Insider Threats: Employees, whether malicious or negligent, can be a significant risk. SMBs might not have strict access controls and monitoring systems in place to prevent internal threats.

Consequences of Cyberattacks

The impact of a cyberattack on an SMB can be devastating.

  • Financial Loss: Costs associated with a cyberattack can be substantial, including ransom payments, legal fees, and the expense of repairing and restoring systems.

  • Reputational Damage: Customers and partners may lose trust in a business that has suffered a data breach, leading to a potential loss of business.

  • Operational Disruption: Cyberattacks can bring business operations to a halt, causing significant downtime and lost revenue.

  • Legal Implications: SMBs might face legal consequences if they fail to protect customer data adequately, including fines and regulatory penalties.

Protecting Your Business

  1. Invest in Cybersecurity: Allocate resources to cybersecurity measures such as firewalls, antivirus software, and intrusion detection systems. While it may seem costly, the investment can save your business from the far greater expense of a cyberattack.

  2. Employee Training: Regularly educate employees about the importance of cybersecurity, including how to recognize phishing attempts and the proper protocols for handling sensitive information.

  3. Data Backup: Regularly back up all important data and ensure backups are stored securely and tested periodically for integrity and accessibility.

  4. Access Controls: Implement strict access controls to limit who can view or edit sensitive information. Use multi-factor authentication to add an extra layer of security.

  5. Incident Response Plan: Develop and maintain a comprehensive incident response plan so that your business can react swiftly and effectively in the event of an attack.

  6. Regular Audits: Conduct regular security audits to identify and address vulnerabilities in your systems.


Brazil's Efforts in Tackling Cybersecurity Challenges

Brazil has been actively addressing cybersecurity issues on a national level, although pinpointing specific state-level data on cybercrime rates can be challenging.

National Cybersecurity Strategy (E-Ciber)

Brazil has taken significant steps towards a comprehensive approach to cybersecurity with the publication of its first national cybersecurity strategy, known as "E-Ciber." This strategy aims to develop an integrated view of cybersecurity across different sectors and society.

Since 2018, Brazil has faced substantial economic losses due to malicious cyber attacks, with figures more than doubling to approximately $40 billion. This alarming increase has positioned Brazil as the second most affected nation by global ransomware attacks.

ITU Cybersecurity Index

Brazil's efforts in cybersecurity are reflected in its ranking in the ITU's cybersecurity index. Currently, Brazil ranks 70th, showing significant progress over the years. According to the International Telecommunications Union (ITU), Brazil improved its ranking from 71st to 18th place out of 194 countries, surpassing many other nations in the Americas.

State-Specific Data

Unfortunately, there is a lack of specific data on individual Brazilian states reporting the highest cybercrime rates. The database on state-level cybercrime remains quite opaque. For more detailed information, it is recommended to check official government reports or consult cybersecurity organizations.

The Importance of International Cooperation

Addressing cybercrime is a cross-border challenge, and international cooperation plays a crucial role in effective cybersecurity efforts. By working together, countries can better combat cyber threats and enhance their overall cybersecurity posture.

Brazil's proactive stance in developing and implementing a national cybersecurity strategy, along with its notable progress in global rankings, underscores its commitment to addressing the growing challenges of cybercrime. However, based on experience, it seems clear that a strikingly high number of national courts are not yet prepared for the real damage caused by cybercrime. The reasons for this do not appear to be clear. Even on the part of national law firms, an adequate handling of such crimes has not yet been clearly defined. Unfortunately, the damage to companies and individuals is too often treated as negligible. Brazil must create a contemporaneous digital law as quickly as possible.

Here is an example of a crisis communication statement that we used in the 2023 project mission for the data protection incident (version 🇬🇧):


Subject: Important Notice Regarding Data Security Incident

Dear [Company Name] Community,

We regret to inform you that our organization recently experienced a data security incident. Our cybersecurity team detected unauthorized access to our systems, which may have compromised some personal information.

What Happened?

On [Date], we discovered suspicious activity on our servers. Our investigation revealed that [describe the nature of the breach, e.g., unauthorized access, malware, etc.]. We immediately took steps to secure our systems and limit the impact.

What Information Was Affected?

The compromised data may include [list specific types of data, e.g., names, email addresses, phone numbers, etc.]. We are working diligently to assess the extent of the breach and identify affected individuals.

What We Are Doing.

Our cybersecurity team is working with external experts to investigate the incident thoroughly. We have implemented additional security measures to prevent similar incidents in the future. We are notifying relevant authorities as required by law.

What You Can Do.

If you believe your information may be affected, please [provide instructions for affected individuals, e.g., change passwords, monitor accounts, etc.]. Be cautious of phishing emails or suspicious communications related to this incident.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and assure you that we take data security seriously. We are committed to transparency and will provide updates as we learn more.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our dedicated support team at [contact details].

Thank you for your understanding and continued trust in [Company Name].


[CEO/Spokesperson Name]

[Company Name]


How to Select an Adequate Attorney Office for Cybercrime Cases

In today's digital age, the threat of cybercrime is ever-present, even in Brazil. From data breaches and identity theft to cyberstalking and ransomware attacks, the spectrum of cyber offenses is vast. When facing such issues, having an experienced attorney who specializes in cybercrime is crucial. Here’s a guide based on our and client’s experiences to help you select the right attorney office for your cybercrime case.

  • Expertise in Cybercrime Law: Cybercrime law is a specialized field that requires a deep understanding of both legal and technological aspects. Look for an attorney office with a dedicated cybercrime practice. They should be well-versed in relevant laws such as the Computer Fraud and Brazilian Abuse Act (similar to U.S. CFAA), the Brazilian Electronic Communications Privacy Act ( similar to the U.S. ECPA), and the Brazilian General Data Protection Regulation (similar to the U.S. GDPR) if international elements are involved.

  • Experience and Track Record: Experience matters significantly in cybercrime cases. Research the attorney office’s history with similar cases. How many cybercrime cases have they handled? What were the outcomes? A strong track record of successfully defending or prosecuting cybercrime cases is a good indicator of their capability.

  • Technical Knowledge: Cybercrime cases often involve intricate technical details. An attorney office that employs or collaborates with technical experts can better understand and present complex technical evidence. This includes familiarity with cybersecurity protocols, digital forensics, and the latest cyber threats, huge lacks of Brazilian attorney offices.

  • Reputation and Reviews: Client testimonials and reviews can provide insight into an attorney office's reputation. Look for reviews on legal forums, the office’s website, and third-party review sites. Positive feedback from previous clients can indicate reliability and effectiveness. We can affirm from a wide range of experience with Brazilian clients, there is a relatively small portion of adequate attorney offices out there.

  • Professional Affiliations: Membership in professional organizations such as the International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP), the American Bar Association’s Cybersecurity Legal Task Force, or similar institutions in the EU, or other cyber law groups can signal an attorney office's commitment to staying updated on the latest developments in cyber law.

  • Consultation Availability: Many attorney offices offer initial consultations. Use this opportunity to gauge their expertise, approach, and compatibility with your needs. Prepare questions about their experience with cybercrime cases, their approach to handling your case, and potential outcomes.

  • Cost and Fee Structure: Understanding the cost and fee structure is essential. Some Brazilian attorney offices charge by the hour, while others might offer a flat fee for certain services. Ensure you get a clear estimate of potential costs and discuss any payment plans or retainer fees upfront.

  • Communication Skills: Effective communication is crucial in legal proceedings. Choose an attorney office that communicates clearly and promptly. They should be able to explain complex legal and technical terms in an understandable manner and keep you informed about the progress of your case. This is a shortcoming of Brazilian law firms that should not be underestimated. It is striking how often clients are led into lawsuits with overly positive evaluations of their chances, although the national statistics suggest otherwise. Misjudgements are particularly noticeable in the case of cybercrimes.

  • Accessibility and Location: While many aspects of cybercrime cases can be handled remotely, proximity can be beneficial for face-to-face meetings. Ensure the attorney office is accessible and available when needed.

  • Personal Connection: Lastly, consider your comfort level with the attorney office. Trust and confidence in your legal representation can significantly affect your overall experience and peace of mind throughout the case.


As cyber threats continue to evolve, SMBs must recognize that they are not immune to attacks. By understanding the risks and taking proactive steps to enhance their cybersecurity posture, small and medium-sized businesses can better protect themselves against the growing threat of cyberattacks. Investing in cybersecurity is not just about safeguarding data; it's about ensuring the long-term viability and success of your business in an increasingly digital world.

Selecting the right attorney office for a cybercrime case is a critical decision that can influence the outcome of your legal battle. By focusing on expertise, experience, technical knowledge, reputation, and communication skills, you can find a legal team that will effectively represent your interests and navigate the complexities of cyber law.

Choosing an attorney who understands the intricacies of both the legal and technological landscapes is essential for a successful resolution to your cybercrime case. Take the time to research, consult, and select a partner who will stand by you and advocate for your rights in the digital realm.


Call us direct!

Please feel free to reach out to us to share your experiences and seek assistance in the event of cyber attacks. Our team at iMB.Solutions specializes in providing management on-demand, interim management and implementation-oriented consulting services to support businesses in Brazil, South America, Mexico/USMCA, and international project missions. With our highly skilled professionals available on-demand, we are well-equipped to help you navigate through and mitigate the impact of cyber threats efficiently. Contact us today to discuss how we can assist you in safeguarding your operations and minimizing risks associated with cyber attacks.

The iMB.Solutions Team 🇧🇷

We are iMB. Here writes the iMB.Solutions team. The blog post reflects the experiences and opinions of the publishers at the time of publication. This is modern interim management - it's all about people. Interim management and implementation-oriented consulting are in the post-modern business world one of the tactical and strategic most important factor for business success.

We are Business Development, reorganization and transformation experts in the way we think, the way we do the projects and the way we communicate internally and externally. 

iMB provides interim management for Brazil and international project missions.


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